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DNA fragment purification

DNA clean-up

Our DNA Fragment Purification Kits provide rapid procedures for routine molecular biology applications. Choose from two different kits, suitable for your laboratory application: 

MSB® Spin PCRapace: clean-up of PCR and enzymatic reactions 


InviSorb® Fragment CleanUp: clean-up of PCR and enzymatic reactions as well as DNA fragments from agarose gels


dna fragment

Simplify your workflow

  • Fast: Only 7 min for clean-up (2-step bind-and-elute protocol) or 20 min for agarose gel purification 
  • Less waste by using fewer plastic tips and tubes
  • Suitable for the up concentration of samples, using a minimal elution volume of 10 μl 
  • 95% recovery for fragment sizes of 80 bp – 30 kb

DNA fragment purification kits

Starting material  Extraction Kit
PCR and other enzymatic reactions like restriction digestion, ligation, cDNA synthesis MSB® Spin PCRapace 
PCR and other enzymatic reactions, DNA fragments from agarose gels  InviSorb® Fragment CleanUp

cell and tissue analysis
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DNA/RNA isolation from cells & tissue

Purify DNA/RNA from a variety of starting materials

hands holding helix
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Custom DNA oligos

Order your custom DNA oligos with just a few clicks

Plants in lab
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DNA/RNA extraction from plants

Purify DNA/RNA from a variety of plant tissues